Colposcopy is a gynecological examination in which the doctor observes the cervix through a magnified image with the help of a special microscope.

A vaginal dilator is used to examine the cervix. The colposcope is placed at the opening of the vagina and enlarges the image up to 60 times, so that the gynecologist can examine the cervix in detail. If a suspicious area is observed, it is likely that the doctor will get a biopsy. A tissue sample is painlessly removed and placed in a container with preservatives, in order to be sent for laboratory examination.

Colposcopy can be performed at any time except for the days of menstrual flow. It is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse, vaginal medications and vaginal washings for two days prior to examination, as they may conceal pathological cells.

Colposcopy is considered necessary in the following cases:

  • Non-diagnostic Pap test results
  • In case of visible cervical lesions, irrespective of the Pap test results
  • When diagnosed with atypical squamous cell carcinoma, ASCUS cells, HPV infection, CIN I, CIN II, CIN III, LGSIL, HGSIL cervical intraepithelial neoplasms, invasive cervical cancer, pudendal, rectal, cervical and vulvar warts.
  • In case of cervical inflammations that do not recede.
  • In case of precancerous lesions being monitored.
  • Re-examination after cervical cancer treatment.

Colposcopy will detail the existence, extent, severity and type of damage, as well as whether a biopsy is needed or not. It is a painless examination and its results are available in a very short period of time.