Premature labor occurs when a woman gives birth before the 37th week of gestation. The goal of every gynecologist is to get the pregnancy as close as possible to the 40th week where the fetal development is complete. Tocolytic medications should be used with caution and up to the critical 34th week of gestation, age where…

Fibroids are benign uterine formations created by the uterine muscle cells. They are diagnosed in 25% of the women we examine. Their appearance relates to mom-to-daughter inheritance. However, estrogens are responsible for the increase in their size. Most of the times, we detect them at random in a routine gynecological ultrasound or in hydrosonography. However, there are times when…

The use of herbal and complementary medical therapies has increased in many countries over the last decade, with women being the most frequent users. Many of the products in this category are specifically aimed at pregnant women, who are looking for safe and effective products, either for nutritional ingredients intake or for the treatment of pregnancy complications (nausea, constipation)….